Saturday, 31 January 2009

Thanksgiving in Applegate

It was so fun to have a traditional family Thanksgiving! We all piled in the cars on Wednesday afternoon and drove down to Grants Pass where my Ramey grandparents live. The workers in that area had asked if Shauna would speak in their meeting that night. We left with plenty of time, but a wreck on the freeway slowed us up and luckily the first carload with Shauna got there just before the start of meeting. The second carload wasn't so lucky; we missed the first speaker. After the meeting we converged on Grandpa and Grandma's house where we had cake to celebrate Elena's 7th birthday. The next day was a normal Thanksgiving Day with several cooks slaving away in the kitchen for many hours! We had quite a table full....Grandpa and Grandma, Dad and Mom, Arlen and Jessi and their 3 girls, Shauna, Rhys and I, Jeanie Wright and her Mom, Marilyn Denio and her sister and family, and Aunt Penny. I didn't get any pictures of the actually table, but you can imagine the food piled on it! After dinner we played games and also had music from Arlen and Shauna on the guitars. The wild raccoons which have been visiting Grandpa and Grandma's house came calling that night so we put out some cat food for them.
The next day Dad, Arlen, Jessi and Paige left for home and the rest of us stayed on until Saturday. Grandpa and Grandma live in a beautiful part of Oregon and even though the air was cold, the sky was clear mostly and it was perfect weather for being outdoors.

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Meeting cousin Paige!

Paige and her mommy

Paige and her daddy

Bath time...can you tell which is which??

Big smiles for daddy!

My favorite picture of Paige...can you see the puppy next to her?

Paige and Rhys sharing the floor mat

Nothing better than two smiling bubs!

Me and my cousin
It was really neat to finally meet Paige Jordyn who is just 4 days younger than Rhys. They were a bit young to actually play together, but we got some great photo opportunities! Can't wait until the next time we see her...they will be toddlers then and hopefully great mates!

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Arrival and Race Day

Here are some pictures of Rhys in the Sydney airport and airplane and also when we arrived in Portland.
The first weekend I was with Mom and Dad we went down to Eugene to watch Shauna and Dad compete in a race. Dad ran the 10k and Shauna ran the half-marathon! (I think she realizes now why atheletes have to sit in a big tub of ice when they are done competing.) :) It was also Shauna's first time to meet Rhys and I think she was pretty excited!
Mom and Dad

Linda Griffith, Shauna's companion, and Rhys

Rhys and I cuddled up in our wrap

Dad and Shauna... the aftermath!

Shauna getting cuddles from Rhys