Tuesday, 2 March 2010

If I had to choose one thing to be thankful for every day....yesterday would have been anaesthetic spray and today would be good friends!

What an interesting week it's been so far...and we are only up to Tuesday night. I guess I'm starting back at Saturday though...the day Eldon had his King Air line check, finally! He aced it of course...I had no doubt. So today was his first flight as captain with a co-pilot...woohoo! Sunday was lovely although we didn't make it down to Cloncurry like we should have due to the amout of rain we've had. We have rescheduled for next Sunday. Monday brought even more interesting-ness....if you can call it that. I underwent a little procedure called a culposcopy. If you don't know what that is, you probably don't want to know and if you do know what that is, you can sympathize with me. Needless to say, the rest of the day was spent mostly resting....
Then today, well, today was just one of those days. It started at 530am with Rhys crying his distressed cry about who knows what and me rocking him for the better part of an hour. Then on to breakfast time when the rental company people arrived to examine the house. And then the roof insulation people showed up and wanted to cut off the power. In between all of this, I decided to make bread dough even though my oven isn't working. Guess I left my brain at the doctor's office yesterday among other things. So a trip to T & D's was in order to cook my bread and give Rhys a nap since he wasn't able to go to sleep amidst all the crashing, banging, and drilling on the roof....I can't think why not. And to top it off, when I got home I found not only did they not end up cutting off the power, but they didn't install the insulation either because the roof space was too small! So I guess we'll get to endure this again someday soon! Hopefully I will remember not to make bread dough!

So, as I was saying, yesterday I was thankful for anaesthetic spray...and today I'm thankful for good friends! Hope the rest of the week proves to be just as interesting!

Just a side note, Rhys and I were actually able to take a walk to town for my chiro appt as the weather today is just fabulous and cool and overcast! I even had to bring a blanket for Rhys because of the chilly wind! Bring on the winter!