Saturday, 17 May 2008

Kununurra Special Meetings 2008 Installment #1

Special meetings are here again. The workers arrived on Monday this week and we've had a full week! Rowanne came to stay Monday and Tuesday night, Brett came Wednesday and Thursday night and Linda is here until tomorrow. I think tomorrow night we are going to have Peter. So...we have been very privileged!! Here are some pictures of our time:
Brett with his makeshift apron getting ready to fry some fish fillets

Linda and Rowanne at Ivanhoe Cafe for morning tea

All of us ladies met at Ivanhoe Cafe for morning tea - from left to right: Linda Larson, Gayle Curtis, Jodie Silvester, Lillian Silvester, Suzie Silvester, Rowanne Wenham, Elaine Curtis, Louise Major, me, Katrina Robertson with Hayley and Jack, and Marlene Bell.

Glen and Katrina Robertson with their two kids Hayley and Jack...they are visiting Kununurra for a while.

This is all for now....Special meeting tomorrow....will have more pictures later.

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Baby update...

Well, here we are in the middle of May and I haven't done a proper post for almost a month. Time flies when you're having fun! :) I'm 31 weeks now and feeling pretty good. Getting tired again and when I come home from work I just collapse on the couch until Eldon gets home. It's really not helping me get my study done! Anyway, you know how you go through phases of questions when you are pregnant, "how far along are you" and "do you know what you're having" and "my, are you sure you're only having one?" Well....I'll tell you what stage I'm at now..."when are you going to finish work"????? And that is a big question...I am feeling so good right now that I just can't make a decision yet. I'm torn between working until I'm ready to quit for that little bit extra money and staying at home studying because I need to get it done. I'm still working at least 3 full days a week and some weeks I work the other two days for a few hours. I have a very understanding boss and she is pretty happy to let me choose when to work. So my answer is "I don't know!!!" :) There is a joke going around right now that I'll just work right up until I go into labour and then they'll just divert my phone into the delivery room. Doctors can come and pile things on the bed and surely it'll keep my mind off the pain, right? Yeah, right....likely. :)

Anyway, we are definitely on the countdown...60 days to go I see on my little calendar. 9 weeks to go and counting. Mom and Dad have booked their tickets to come over and that makes it more final and more exciting as well! Can't wait for them to get here. I'm in denial about all the things I need to order online before the baby comes...nappies, nursing bras, I have a list somewhere a mile long. If only I could find it....

In other exciting news, we are having our annual "special meetings week." The brother workers from Perth arrived on Monday, Peter Doecke and Brett Rundle. The sisters from SA/NT arrived Monday night on the bus, Linda Larson and Rowanne Winnum (sp?). We've had Rowanne here for 2 nights and are getting Brett tonight for 2 nights. Our little Wed. study meeting might just be a very big meeting tonight so we'll have to kerb our usual sermons. :) Sunday is the actual special meeting and then they all fly to Darwin on Monday. We are really enjoying them!

Well, better make this it....need to get the room ready for Brett.

Love, Sarah

Virtual Baby Shower!

Well, thanks to my innovative mother and sister, I did get a baby shower after all! Mom set up her laptop in the kitchen/dining room and dialed me up on Skype so that everyone could see me and talk to me. It was very fun! Thanks to everyone that came and made me feel so special! Pictures are on my mom's blog if you want to see.