Wednesday, 17 January 2007

Who gave Eldon crabs???

Yesterday, Eldon went out fishing with our good friend Don in the Cambridge Gulf. They were meant to stay out overnight, but the sea was way too rough. So they spent the day exploring various creeks, rivers and estuaries.....and went fishing of course! He caught a golden catfish (the photo of which is not available for viewing because it's head was cut off before I could get one....Eldon's excuse for not taking one was that he didn't want to get fish guts on the camera. Likely excuse!) But....they did bring home a few mud crabs....they were all tied up already because I guess they were very agressive. Now all we have to worry about is finding a pot that's big enough to steam them in!


Diana said...

yummm! crab louie coming up!

Sarah Patterson said...

What the heck is crab louie???

MrsRitzB said...

You haven't had a crab louie salad?!

Sarah Patterson said...

nope, never had it...recipe?