Thursday, 6 March 2008

Diary of a First-Time Pregnant Lady

I've been told I should start writing down some of my "first-time pregnant" thoughts (as I'll most likely forget come this time tomorrow) and what better way to do it than to share it with you?!! (That was a warning for some not to read on ...)

So, what does it feel like to be pregnant for the first time? Well, you could say I'm looking forward to the time at the end when suddenly I have a little munchkin (on the outside) and my already-fuzzy brain miraculously forgets all the fears, anxieties, aches and pains of the last 9 months so that I'll feel like doing it all again one day! Ok, so it's not that bad....The thought of actually carrying something ALIVE inside me is kind of cool!!

I think the thing I like best is the way Eldon carries on, all smoogy and cuddly...he'll kill me when he sees this blog. :) He doesn't have to experience the way my new-found sack of potatoes hangs to one side at night or the way I freak out when I wake up and find myself lying on my back. He has been very good to me in many ways being somewhat understanding of my sudden affection for pillows (he keeps a tight hold on his during the night and then I steal it in the morning after he's gone to work) and coming home from work only to find me crashed out on the couch sound asleep. He doesn't complain about having to make dinner sometimes because his wife doesn't feel like anything and nothing sounds good. (So he makes himselft a nice big juicy steak and I have a pot of yogurt). All in all, I think he's taking it all very well.

He talks to the baby and tries to "jiggle" IT awake so that he might feel it moving. (I say IT because we are keeping it a surprise and we have a bet going...he calls it one thing and I call it the other just get get him going!) Unfortunately for him, he hasn't felt it yet...the movements are still infrequent. I've woken him up in the middle of the night a couple times when I can feel it moving, but so far he's been unlucky.

I'm his "Lady of Leisure" now as I have taken a month off work on "rest" because of complications which I will call minor until the doctors tell me otherwise. I'm still in my first week of "rest" and am going a little stir crazy, but I'm trying to get myself into a routine which means I actually wake up in the morning so that I can sleep at night. Eldon's coming home soon for lunch so I guess I better have something ready to eat. That's my job now, providing food for both my babies and keeping the house clean (oh yeah, and finishing my study).

Signing off....


Sandra Ramey said...

Oh, Sarah, I loved reading all about your thoughts on the preggis:)
Love, Mom
You are sooooo funny!

MrsRitzB said...

:-) Keep it up! I love to read your writin's!

Anonymous said...

Brings back memories! I love how pregnancy wakes up the "other gentler side" of our men. It's still a miracle process. Happy days ahead!

Anonymous said...

This is Renee Pontious (Mel Clark's sister). Loved reading your blog and seeing your family pics. Love your pregnancy journaling. Congrats and we'll be following along.

Wishful Thinking said...

Wish I had recorded my "thoughts" of Aaron's and Maddison's preggies. I can remember bits, but would have made it alot easier for scrapping those layouts if I had written it down as I went!!! Keep it up you won't regret it :-) Tell Eldon that you are allowed to sleep as much and as long as you want and can before baby comes, because you don't get much choice after that ... you have to fit in with baby!! :-) Like your photos too ... your "bump" is growing nicely huh! Cheers Rachel

Penny said...

Well looky who I found!
Your diary brings back memories :) It's good to record it all. I loved being pregnant despite the icky side of it.

Jeanie said...

Hey Sarah, its your long lost cousin Jeanie!! Ohh I miss being pregnant, but I had a great pregnancy, no sickness or any major problems. Except her being breech so I had to have a Csection. But enjoy being pregnant! Hope things work out for you! Can't wait to see your new baby!