Monday 23 June 2008


Rachel asked if Eldon caught anything edible in the last Eldon felt he needed to prove himself! These are red-claw, kind of like yabbies or crawdads depending on which country you come from, caught in fresh water with a bit of melon!


Wishful Thinking said...

Ahh very good!! :-) So that photo of you wasn't just a pose! hee hee

Penny said...

Him hunter, man bring home food for woman in cave. Ugh ugh ugh.

Say, they are quite spiky eh.

Sandra Ramey said...

Euwww...put that down!!
Ha! If you say it's yummy I'll believe you!
Love ya

Diana said...

As kids (when we didn't know any better) we put them in a pan of cold water and put it on the campfire to boil... poor things were trying to crawl out of the pot to escape the slowly heated water!